Revel in the sleeveless freedom of slimmer, firmer looking arms. This surgical procedure, known as brachioplasty, removes excess fat and skin from the arm, reducing the circumference size and eliminating loose or sagging skin.

If you have little excess skin, and good skin tone, liposuction might be sufficient to give you the results you’d like. However, if there is a large amount of excess skin or fat, this may need to be removed surgically.

The procedure

For smaller procedures, an incision is made on the inner arm and in the armpit. Where there are large amount of excess skin or fat, the incision may extend on the side of the chest.

The operation lasts 2 to 3 hours, and depending on the procedure, is done under either general anaesthetic or local anaesthetic with sedation.

You should be able to return to work after 7 to 10 days. The scar should be healed within 14 days, but you will need to wear a compression garment is worn for several months.

Potential side effects and complications

Side effects include swelling, feeling of tingling and pins and needles along the arm and bruising.

Complications could include poor scarring, loss of sensation along arm and forearm and axillary contracture where healthy skin is trapped in the scar tissue.

Book your Arm Lift consultation