You shouldn’t have to choose between doing what’s best for your body and doing your best to keep it beautiful. If you’ve been delaying doing the biopsy or removal of a mole, or the removal of skin cancer, for aesthetic reasons, then speak to me about how we can do what’s best for your health, while reconstructing the resulting defect at the same time.

There are many things that can lead to skin cancer, these include advancing age, ultra-violet light exposure, being immunocompromised, or simple genetics. Warning signs to look out for include:

A skin growth or rash that continues doesn’t abate with treatment.

A mole that becomes enlarged, develops irregular edges, starts bleeding or ulcerating, or develops a mottled appearance.

Moles developing on palms and soles of the feet, these don’t necessarily indicate cancer, but should be monitored closely.

If any of your moles show any of these warning signs, you can schedule a biopsy, it is the only definite way in telling if a skin condition is a cancer or not. At the same time, you can talk to me about an aesthetic reconstruction of the biopsy site, or of the area where a mole or skin cancer was removed.

Book your Moles & Skin Cancer consultation