Regain the iconic masculine profile of your chest, by removing the softness of overly-developed male breasts.

I will work closely with you to determine the reason for the over-development – example drugs, aging or hormonal imbalance – and whether the treatment needs to remove only excess breast tissue, or also excess skin, to determine the nature and scope of the surgery required.

The procedure

The excess breast tissue is removed using liposuction and/or surgery, under general anaesthesia. Depending on the scope of the operation, surgery usually takes between 45 and 150 minutes, and you can go home the same day. You should be able to return to work 7 days after the procedure and resume strenuous activity after 3 weeks.

Results should be permanent unless you experience massive weight gain.

Possible side effects or complications

There is likely to be temporary swelling, bruising, numbness, and changes in nipple sensation following the operation.

Complications may include bleeding, infection, asymmetry, poor scarring and contour irregularity.

Book your Gynaecomastia consultation